2015年、イギリス滞在中に制作。Richmond Parkの白鳥が群がる湖の前で制作しました。
ー 麗しい姿を手に入れることではなく、自分を好きになること。迫害と戦うのではなく、自分の本当の居場所を見つけること。アヒルに生まれたら白鳥にはなれない。「私に生まれたら私でしかない」というのは絶望ではなく、長い旅の末見つける着地点なのだ。ー
Created in 2015 during a residency in England, in front of a lake with a flock of swans in Richmond Park. At the time, the painting was accompanied by a lyrical poem.
It’s not about getting a beautiful figure, it’s about liking yourself. It is not about fighting persecution, but about finding your true place. If you are born a duck, you cannot be a swan. If you are born me, you can only be me.” This is not despair, but a landing place to be found after a long journey. It is not despair, but a destination to be found at the end of a long journey.